Saber Movie FX app good for
I love using this app but I really wish the sounds and effects werent so limited. I would really enjoy some blade clashes and crashes as well as some more sound effects. I would also enjoy some sparks or at least a light that signifies contact with the lightsaber and the other object. Another request that I would love to see in this app is is more color options or the ability to make more colors. Thanks!
So recently i tried to make a video and its looks all fine in the editing part but when its ready to be exported and i play it the lightsaber seems to be off like where i put it in the editing but not in the exporting part
Hey I was wondering if you could make a white saber I really need it for a movie, thanks
Im really having fun with this app and I would strongly recommend it
The only problem is that you cant add sparks so its only four stars
I hope the makers will add sparks in the next update
This app is really awesome if I do say so myself but it has very limited fx. I think it would be a lot better if u added stuff like force lighting or a fx for when lightsabers clash like a spark or something it would be cool if u added more lightsaber colours or a thing where u could make your own colour even maybe more lightsaber audio. Adding these things would be very cool and may help with your sales. Darth Derp out!
Super app i love it but i hope you Will update for sparkle and force wave
Some bad moments
First of all this is a great app and has the same characteristics as gun movie FX BUT it is sertainly NOT worth the 6-7 $ there are only 4 saber colors and it takes a LONG time to edit a video of any length. It is difficult to even create a 3 second video that looks decent, if youre gonna do this kind of stuff youre better off doing it on a pc, for every frame the saber is on you have to place/ update the saber and some simple math (30 fps X3)= 90 frames to edit in a 3 minute video, this app was a great idea and the interface isnt laggy the load times are quick but this just isnt for me and probably not for you. Make youre decision
I was trying to make a Star Wars movie, but it didnt work. At least the video. Its a ripoff
At first the app was cool, but the sound fx didnt work and you fixed it, but NOW there is no sound at ALL when I build the movie. FIX IT!!!
And u should add force sounds an multi colorable setting so u can change the color of the sabers
Every time I try to get the turn on sound to work, it only plays a fragment of the sound and stops! How can I fix this?
If you have the patience, this effect LOOKS great, especially when you add realistic movements to the mix. My problem, as others have mentioned, is that the saber "power up" sound as well as the "saber swing" sounds only load a small fraction of the total sound file to the finished video. Im sure this is something the developers can and will fix. I got their Gun FX app and they have taken a lot of care in improving that over time. If they get this sound issue fixed, this app would easily be 5 Stars for those with patience.