At first the app was cool, but the sound fx didnt work and you fixed it, but NOW there is no sound at ALL when I build the movie. FIX IT!!!
At first the app was cool, but the sound fx didnt work and you fixed it, but NOW there is no sound at ALL when I build the movie. FIX IT!!!
It soooo needs saber wounds. If you hit someone, it looks like they just fall over! It would be so much better. Otherwise, its a great app.
Great app! But could you please add a yellow lightsaber and blasts from blasters? That would be awesome.
Avrei solo una richiesta se fosse possibile un aggiornamento con altri effetti sonori e una maggior gamma di colori delle spade... Ah magari anche qualche effetto di bruciature o impatti scintillanti tra due lame grazie e molto bello! Ive only an ask if could be possible in the next upgrade other sound fx and another colour of the lightsabers or may be an effect of blast or blinding lights with impact to Two lightasabers thank you si very cool!
And u should add force sounds an multi colorable setting so u can change the color of the sabers
Every time I try to get the turn on sound to work, it only plays a fragment of the sound and stops! How can I fix this?
If you have the patience, this effect LOOKS great, especially when you add realistic movements to the mix. My problem, as others have mentioned, is that the saber "power up" sound as well as the "saber swing" sounds only load a small fraction of the total sound file to the finished video. Im sure this is something the developers can and will fix. I got their Gun FX app and they have taken a lot of care in improving that over time. If they get this sound issue fixed, this app would easily be 5 Stars for those with patience.
Great app, but make lightning fx. Allow the user to add lightning to their movie. Make it so that one can place the origin and the end of each bolt in each frame, but the Lightning in between still moves the same way. Thank you.
This my favoret fx app ever I love it it is amazing :) :o !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Idea for next update: you can make custom saber colors and save them. Also if you can add more saber clash sounds and maybe a clash effect
1. The photos of this app make it appear like it can green screen backgrounds. It cant 2. You go frame by frame, in the time you take to move things around - you could easily watch a how to video and Download a free copy of After Effects on your Mac and do it yourself.
All of the FX are great dont get me wrong. When I use sound only a fraction of the sound comes out. This will be the best app if fixed. Please try to fix this sound issue.
I love using this app but I really wish the sounds and effects werent so limited. I would really enjoy some blade clashes and crashes as well as some more sound effects. I would also enjoy some sparks or at least a light that signifies contact with the lightsaber and the other object. Thanks!
The sounds wont work fix and I will love this app
Its insanely difficult to manipulate the direction the effect is facing without changing the width of the blade. The first thing I tried to do was add the effect for someone raising a blade to their face and it was neigh impossible. Also, if you go back a frame it seems to add a blade when you go back forward? Could be user error but I spent 10min trying to figure out what it was doing and couldnt Get it. Pretty dissapointing. I was expecting a much more polished app for $5
This app is basically gun fx with different lightsaber and sound fx. They didnt even add tracking so it would take more than an hour to do a simple 2 minute fight scene. Dont buy this app, its the same thing as throwing money on the street!
I never use the lightsaber effect but I do use the sounds and for swings and power on and off, i would really like it to Have lightning and gun effect (laser gun) And sound.
I love this app! It has a good idea and it (along with pyro and gun fx) will help me and my 2 friends to make a Star Wars movie. 1. It takes too long to make. I am intent in my movies but come on
It is very useful in many ways, but could be improved with dual fx, environmental fx (i.e. Slices and stabs), blaster fx (I know you have a different app, and maybe force fx (i.e. force push, force lightning, or just a force effect). I would make it 5 stars if it had one of these. Thanks.
It takes forever to make and its price is five dollars?!?!