Ok, overall this is a great app and really neat, but I cant get the sound effects to work and the sound always makes it better
Ok, overall this is a great app and really neat, but I cant get the sound effects to work and the sound always makes it better
This app is good! But it doesnt work that well for iPad mini... Every time I add in the sound fx you cant even hear a single thing. Plus, I add the lightsaber in but then it disappears! Whats wrong with this app? How do you use it?! Well please fix it for the iPad mini because I payed 5$ and I dont want to delete this app! So can you plz make it easier to use for the iPad mini? If you make this update I will make a 5 star review…
Yes!!! I have been waiting for this. Thanks so much. Has this been done in the gun fx too? That was also a problem on my phone.
Hi this is minecraft bud from YouTube and I use this for troll minecraft vids just takes a while.
Ive used this app in videos but could you guys add a color change like change the colors of the lightsaber with an icon
This is the best and easiest app on the appstore to create Lightsaber fx the only think you need is patience and this app will work perfectly for you
I love this app but Im wondering why the audio from the original video isnt put into the final product. I spent hours on a video to find out the original audio was gone. Great app I just need an explanation.
This is a really good app but I think it needs a few things. 1. Make it so that you can save your projects and go back to them later. 2. Make it so you can control the width of the blur blades. 3. Make it so you can rotate the blades without accidentally making them smaller or bigger. Also, sometimes if you exit out of the app you lose your progress so far. Otherwise a great app, but fix these things and I will definitely give ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.
I really do love this app! I do have some suggestions though, one of them being that if you leave the app for a certain period of time, you lose all you progress, this gets very annoying having to do it all at once. Another suggestion is to add flat ended blades, because if your using a hilt with a flat top, the blade looks weird if that makes sense. Otherwise amazing! Keep it up!
When ever I try to go to the next frame it keeps me on the same one for a 3 frames worth and then the lightsaber gets messed up. When I "fix" it and play it the saber doesnt match up. It makes it look really bad.
Its a really good app in the next update u should add when a lightsber hits something sparks come out that would be cool keep up the good work. Also what u should make a harry potter movie fx that would be cool. BUT it still looks unreal i would like to see a graphical update.
This is a very great app. The effects are very realistic and it is very simple to use. But just one problem. The audio. Whenever I add any audio effect, no matter how long or short, there is always a light saber "hummmmmmmmmm" as long as the audio is on. There is nowhere to turn it off, and it ruining my videos. PLEASE FIX SOON!
I would have given this app 5 stars if it didnt keep cutting out all the audio from the video. Also it needs to be able to save projects. Nobody would be able to finish a full video without being able to save.
Plz make it,where there is a flat bottom on one side of the light saber so there can be a stop where it begins the saber and a 360 rotation so you can turn the saber to different sides as the camera moves and doesnt make the saber shrink
I love this app! Its so great to impress friends and make movies. Just add orange saber though!!!
This is a great app, but the problem with the audio needs to be fixed. Also, I have requests for a new update: add flat bottom sabers, adjustable saber blur, saber wounds, 360 rotations for the sabers, sparks for when they clash, and more colors, like orange, silver, yellow, and white. If they do this, I will rate 5 stars.
I like it but it takes an hour to make a 15 second video. It makes u go frame by frame adding a lightsaber. PLEASE ADD YELLOW SPARKS WHEN BLADES COLLIDE.
I really like this app, but I have a couple of suggestions. One, make it so that you can change the length of the blade without making it smaller or larger. Two, add some effects for lightsabers clashing so it looks better! Other than that, this app is great!
I love this app but theres a couple of things I feel like this needs • force fx • lightsaber color changer • more sounds • clash fx • lightning fx • laser fx
Its very good, but you need the patience to make it because you need to edit in every frame. I recommend it to all those people who have patience, also I saw some bad reviews how it is too long to make a video, well that is not the apps that many people dont have patience.