First if your ready to spend about 15min on a 4 second thing get this app. Also if I exit out of the app my work will delete completely. Lastly this app is over priced
First if your ready to spend about 15min on a 4 second thing get this app. Also if I exit out of the app my work will delete completely. Lastly this app is over priced
I wasted money on this stupid ripoff!! That takes a long time to make a bad quality video!!!!
The apps is alright, but the timeline sometimes get in the way then j dont know where to place the saber effect. Also, instead of having fixed images of the effects, we should be able to make our own image of the saber by masking it over the object that were using then choose the color later.
I have a 4g iPod touch. Ive had the app for a while now and worked fine, but recently an update came out. I started the update, and at half way done an alert came up saying,"Saber Movie fx could not update at this time." So I just I just deleted the app and went to reinstall it. But the same alert came up saying couldnt download instead of couldnt update. Ive tried several times, but only to the same outcome. Please help
This app is great and was just the app i was looking for i made so meany movies With this app but........... I was thinking maybe you can add any color saber that would be cool. Please update the app and put any color saber and more noises like gun and maybe like join the dark side and join the light side. Thanks for viewing!.
I have been using this app for a few days now and love the concept and idea. I would like the upper and bottom interface though to become transparent when adding an effect because sometimes the layout causes some problems. Also, I would like more swinging designs for the light sabers than just one. Other than that I love it and it gives you something to do and keeps you occupied.
This app is a total rip off DO NOT BUY THIS APP it doesnt do anything at all I give it 0 stars so mad
I Treid using it to do light saber battle to me 2hour to make 30 secs of fighthing
I bought this app thinking it would be fun and simple to use. Its the most complicated app and really not worth the money. Tried getting some info on how to use the app and thats not even there. Dont even bother buying it. What a Waste of money
I like this app. But please fix the audio glitch!!! There is no audio when you actually click the check button to see the final product!!!
I have an iPhone 6 and it has been giving me problems exporting recently. But before the exporting problem it worked amazingly well
So this app was great right before 2 weeks ago. I make a movie with the effects but when I want to export my movie. It keeps saying that there is a error.
when youre going through frames it sometimes lags and makes it harder to place the blade. Also, add more colors (orange, yellow) maybe even a color maker. add more sounds like clashing, force push, choke, and yellow sparks